Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mr. Nonami's music camp

3 days of one of our band's music coach, Mr. Mitsuo Nonami's music camp has come to an end. The music camp was as usual, so there's nothing more to say about it. Enjoy some photos below.

Yi Lian, trying on a drum pad

Mr. Nonami, walking out from our school back to Yaw family's condo.

One Band, One Sound!
One Heart, One Soul!
We bring out discipline,commitment, respect and CLEANLINESS.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Band activity on 12/3

We had a training today for all our members, include the new students who have just entered our band. Marching practice session was from 8:00am - 10:45am. After that, everyone dismissed to their sections for sectionals.
Percussion (drums)'s sectional, led by Larry, ah Yie and Brenda.
ah Yie was writing music theory exercise for the 'new faces'
they were not good examples!
a new Percussion(drums) member, Thomas and his notes
Saxophone's section, led by Alvin Sim and Vivian Kuan
Clarinet section, led by Jabby and Winnie.

Keep it up, juniors and also the seniors. Learn hard and practice hard and fight for your band life!

Band members, get ready for the upcoming Mr. Nonami's music camp and Percussion and Color Guard sections, release your potential and fight for your positions in the auditions in the Thai coaches camp, especially for bass drummers, fight for your spots! All the very best to you all.

Last but not least,
One Band, One Sound!
One Heart, One Soul!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Be prepared!

Exams starts from this coming week, all the best, CH Band members!

And to all the Percussionists and Color Guards, be prepared! Our Percussion and Guard staffs are coming right after the week after our exams! Push yourselves to the max, achieve what they expected us to do.

Lastly, all the best, everyone!

One Band, One Sound!
One Heart, One Soul!