Well..it's a big big sum of money..that,i have to warn you..
OK..Here it is then..!
Excited yet??
-Food sale earnings-
Coupons : RM6,119.
Cash : RM200.
Donation : RM866.
Sponsors : RM17,183.
TOTAL : Around RM24,139++!
It's a very big big big success for the band and all it's members..It shall remain as a sweet sweet memory for all..and a challenge for next year's board..
Thank you, all seniors who taught us the ropes..thank you for teaching us all that we know..thank you..thank you..thank you..thank you..no words can describe how grateful we are..!
Thank you to our teachers and mentors..for always being there for us..we love you..!
Thank you Tan Sri & Puan Sri for your never ending gratuitious support..! we love you too..!
Lastly,CH Band would like to thank all it's members for a job well done..through the finding of sponsorships, it is undeniable that the BOND between each member has strengthened..And through all the hard work exerted on the food fair, the LOVE, that all of you have for the band is totally conspicuous..continue on with that spirit..
We are now one step closer to SPAIN & to having air-conditioning in our band room..! Woopie!
P/s: Form 3's & form 5's, good luck with your trial examinations..! Study hard!!!

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