Well guys, the concert is over now, it's time to alter our concentration back to our studies. Study hard! Don't let our parents feel disappointed in us. But that doesn't mean that we can utterly release all of our tension now, we still have to keep on practicing in order to maintain our standard. All sections MUST have sectional practice sections so that our band can keep on improving. Below are a few photos taken during the concert. enjoy!

We also, would like to thank those who came to our concert to support us. Your presence have indeed help our band a lot. Our beloved Tan Sris as well, for suppporting us all this while. Our seniors, & coaches near and far, for contributing directly/indirectly. Our band's mums & dads as well! Thanks for taking great care of us. Many thanks to other chung hua students & teachers for helping us with backstage management, reception, master of ceremony etc etc. Last but not least, Pn.Soh & Mr.Nonami! for making all this possible! we love you all!
Keep it up CH Band!
'One band, one sound,
One heart, soul!'
(we can only go UP from now on!)
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